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COVID-19 Policies and Exemptions 2021-2022

Here is the latest news concerning the Fall 2021 and Spring 2022 academic year.


Great news! This fall, we will resume full in-person instruction and in-person chapels every Monday morning. We cannot wait to get back to normal. And each of us working together as a community to protect each other, honor each other, and prevent unnecessary spread of COVID-19 is the best way to ensure that continues throughout the entire academic year.


We continue to deeply appreciate your ongoing commitment to demonstrate what a gracious, loving community looks like even in the midst of a diversity of views and experiences. Thank you for being an incredibly caring group of people.


The policies for the 2021 / 2022 academic policies are as follows:


1. All students, faculty, and staff [hereafter, persons] are encouraged to consider receiving the COVID-19 vaccine. Under present CDC guidelines, vaccination will not be required, and Northpoint will not be inquiring whether any specific person has been vaccinated.


For those interested in scientifically verified studies relative to the vaccine that are mindful of the concerns of Christians, the following are valuable and trustworthy resources:


2. All persons who have not been vaccinated are strongly encouraged to continue the use of an appropriate mask while in common areas, hallways, and when in close proximity to other persons.


3. All persons are encouraged to continue to use extra diligence with regard to personal hygiene. Hand washing, sanitizing, and maintaining appropriate distance when feasible are all good ways to minimize the spread of COVID-19 and other sicknesses. Whether vaccinated or unvaccinated, all persons are welcome to continue wearing a mask, to communicate openly about what level of physical contact they are comfortable with, and to find a desk in the classroom to occupy alone for the purpose of mitigating health risk.


4. We would ask any person with a fever or showing any symptom or symptoms consistent with COVID19 to remain or return home. Any person staying or returning home will need to contact their professors immediately via email and must copy Jamie in on the email. If the professor is not contacted before class, the absence will be unexcused. Students not approved for virtual attendance under the criteria of the Virtual Attendance Policy who remain or return home as a result of COVID-19 related symptoms must provide a written note from a physician or a COVID-19 test result (negative or negative) positive) or the absence will be considered unexcused. 


If a student tests positive for COVID-19, virtual attendance will be approved for the remainder of the required quarantine (see below). For example, a student who remains home with a sore throat (or any sickness) and attends virtually is recorded absent until Jamie Carter receives a written physician’s note or COVID-19 test result (negative and positive). If it is confirmed that the student has COVID-19, then that student will receive approval for Virtual Attendance for the remainder of their quarantine. All physician’s notes and COVID-19 test results must be sent to


If you believe or know you have had COVID-19, quarantine can end 10 days after symptoms first appeared if you have been fever-free for more than 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medications and your other symptoms are improving.


5. We would ask any person who has been in close, extended contact with someone known to have COVID-19 would remain or return home and attend virtually. Students not approved for Virtual Attendance (policy listed below) who remain or return home due to potential COVID-19 exposure must provide proof of a negative COVID-19 test taken 7 full days after exposure before returning to class. Without verification of a Covid test, students will not be permitted to attend class, and any absences will be considered unexcused.


If either #4 or #5 apply to you, please use extra diligence in following the mask, social distancing, and sanitizing protocols for 14 days after exposure.



We can do this, Northpoint fam!


Let’s communicate openly with each other. Let’s respect each member of the Northpoint community. If we will remember that each person’s circumstances are unique and use that knowledge to create a culture of honor and care for each other, this will be a great year that is spiritually, academically, and relationally rich like we all want it to be!





i  Please note that all policies are created at a particular moment in time. The staff of Northpoint will be monitoring the ongoing situation and continue to be appropriately reactive to changing COVID-19 realities, ongoing policy developments at the local, State, and Federal levels, and to counsel from the State of Michigan and the CDC.


ii  Virtual Attendance Policy. Virtual attendance may, upon approval, serve as an alternative form of attendance for classes at the Grand Rapids Campus of Northpoint Bible College. Virtual attendance shall consist of participation in the entirety of the given course or courses and must include visual and audio attendance of the class at the prescribed time via Zoom or other college-approved medium, full participation in the class, and completion of the same assignments, assessments, and objectives laid out for on-campus students. Other than the distinction of being present by virtue of an approved audio and video technology solution, the student shall be in all other ways treated in the same manner as an on campus student.


For the purposes of this policy only, a non-traditional student is defined as and must meet at least one of the following criteria: 1. The student has been in a full-time, compensated ministry position for three or more years before the first day of the upcoming academic year begins. Full-time is defined as having been hired at a full-time rate of pay with accompanying full-time benefits according to their employer’s personnel handbook. 2. The student is 26 years of age or older at the time of program commencement. 3. The student is enrolled in a program with an articulated affiliation with the Grand Rapids Campus of Northpoint that allows for attendance via the “virtual classroom.” One or more of the criteria being met does not automatically ensure enrollment either in the College or approval for virtual attendance. Students must reside in the State of Michigan to participate. A student may also apply for special permission to attend virtually if extenuating circumstances exist that prohibit the student from attending classes in person. Examples include a medical emergency requiring an extended absence or complications resulting from deployment in the armed forces. Extenuating circumstances do not include issues of convenience, seasonal sicknesses, weddings, or other items addressed in the attendance policy for the traditional classroom. When special permission is granted, it is intended as a temporary measure and not a permanent solution. Virtual attendance fees may apply.

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