Housing Information
Northpoint College only offers all classes on Monday and Tuesday to minimize the need for permanent housing and additional expenses for many in-state students. However, temporary and long-term housing may be necessary or desirable for students moving from out of state or longer commutes. Once accepted, students will be able to connect with new and current students who may be looking for roommates through a housing forum. Housing continues to be at the forefront of our minds for new students, and we are currently developing solutions that will be added to this page as they are made available. Please contact a Northpoint
Admissions Counselor at admissions@northpointcollege.edu with any questions.
There are several apartment complexes within walking distance of the campus. These are available in a variety of configurations and at a reasonable price for students who want to live near the school.

Northpoint and Timber Ridge
Northpoint College exists to create a cost-efficient, educationally and spiritually dynamic community where students are equipped to participate in the continuing work of Jesus through a rigorous curriculum of academic and theological studies, applied learning, and personal spiritual transformation. Housing has been established in partnership with Timber Ridge Apartments for students needing housing. Northpoint College will lease two apartments, one for male students and one for female students, for the academic calendar year. Northpoint College oversees roommates. All student tenants must submit a criminal background check and be 18 years or older on or before the assigned move-in date.

Amenities and Costs
Here is an overview of what the Northpoint/Timber Ridge housing arrangement will ential.
Apartment link to TimberRidge Website Page
Potential Cost of $520 per student per month
August 15 – May 15
A note that mentions that at least 1-2 upper-class students will be apartment overseers.
Furnishings provided
Utilities provided
Internet provided
Maybe a picture or two of the place
Potentially, a student review will be conducted by a few students who lived at Timberridge.